Sunday, June 13, 2010

Form Assistance in CRM 4

In CRM 4 this feature is inbuilt to form customisation. When you open a CRM form through customization area in one of the tabs you have 2 check boxes.

one will be to add the form assistance to the CRM form but not expanded by default. the other one is to expand the form assistance by default.

if you need to expand the form assistance you have click this check box as well. but if you only wants to load it, but not expand it then you can leave the check box without ticking it and it wouldn't be expanded by default.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Publishing workflows.

When publishing workflows please check the scope of the workflow. It has 4 types.

• User – will only run for the user who has created the workflow
• BU – Will only run for the BU that the user is in
• Parent- Child - Will only run for the BU that the user is in and the parent BU
• Organization – will run for the whole organization.

Hiding the Date Part of a Date Time Field

Use the following javascript to do that.

document.getElementById("field_name").childNodes[0].childNodes[0].style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("field_name").childNodes[0].childNodes[1].style.display = "none";

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Disabling a time filed in CRM 4

If you need to disable the date field of the date time field and enable the time field you need to use the below java script to do so.

crmForm.all.Field_Name.Disabled = true;

if you want to disable the time field only you need to use the below javascript.


Retrieving Calendar of a Bookable Resource in Dynamics

There are occasions where we need to retrieve working days and working times of a resource in Dynamics grammatically. This is quite possible...