When you try to import a solution you might be seeing an error like this. we came across such an issue after installing roll up 1 to one of our CRM servers. There seems to be an issue with the Boolean field names as after installing the roll up then schema name has been changed.
Luckily there was a sql script
which has been given by Microsoft to a guy (John Rogerson) who has faced this issue. He was generous enough to post it in the web. After applying this we were able to import the solutions. but do this at your own risk. Thanks John for this script.
The script is as follows. Don’t have to change anything in this script. Only thing is we have to point it to the CRM database. Before applying this script it is strongly recommended to take both CRM and Config database backups.
-- This script is for all
intents and purposes supposed to match the script
declare @DefaultPublisher
uniqueidentifier = 'D21AAB71-79E7-11DD-8874-00188B01E34F'
@SchemaNamePrefixLowerCase nvarchar(9) -- the prefix is 8 characters plus 1 for
the underscore
@SchemaNamePrefixLowerCase = LOWER(CustomizationPrefix collate
Latin1_General_CI_AI) + '_' from Publisher where PublisherId =
-- The first thing we will
do is change the naming convention of custom picklist and boolean option sets
-- on system entities. This is to address bug 122849. In order to be more assured that these option
-- are created with a
consistent name no matter what organization the option set belongs to and the
-- has a valid prefix it is
easier to start these names with the attribute name rather than the entity
-- These names are also
guaranteed to be unique since all attribute + entity name combinations must be
-- NOTE: Because we're dealing with custom option sets
on system entities, we can eliminate the State and Status
-- attribute types because
if a system entity has State and Status they will be OOB attributes and the
names will
-- be set through the
metadata XML, and customizers cannot add custom State or Status attributes to a
system entity.
update o set o.Name =
LOWER(a.LogicalName + '_' + e.LogicalName collate Latin1_General_CI_AI)
MetadataSchema.OptionSet o
join AttributeView a on
a.OptionSetId = o.OptionSetId
join EntityView e on
a.EntityId = e.EntityId
where o.IsGlobal = 0
and o.IsCustomOptionSet = 1
and a.IsCustomField = 1
and a.AttributeTypeId in
and e.IsCustomEntity = 0
-- Now see if after changing
these names for custom picklist and boolean option sets on system entities if
-- do not have a proper
prefix - those will need to be corrected
declare @OptionSetId
declare @OptionSetNameOld
-- Retrieve list of Custom
Local OptionSets that are used by Custom Attributes of System Entities and
don't have Schema Name prefix set already.
-- The check for whether
there is a prefix is based solely on whether we find an underscore someplace
between characters 3 and 9, inclusive, as that
-- is the main component of
what the ValidateSchemaNamePrefix code does in the MetadataService. If it is a custom attribute with such a
-- we can be confident the
other checks (must start with a letter, must not equal "mscrm", etc)
were checked when the attribute were created.
DECLARE optionset_cursor
select o.OptionSetId, o.Name from
OptionSetView o
join AttributeView a on
a.OptionSetId = o.OptionSetId
join EntityView e on a.EntityId
= e.EntityId
where CHARINDEX(N'_',
SUBSTRING(a.LogicalName, 3, 7)) = 0
and o.IsGlobal = 0
and o.IsCustomOptionSet = 1
and a.IsCustomField = 1
and a.AttributeTypeId in
and e.IsCustomEntity = 0
OPEN optionset_cursor
-- Loop through each of the
OptionSets that must have its name changed
optionset_cursor INTO @OptionSetId, @OptionSetNameOld
while (0=@@FETCH_STATUS)
declare @SuffixAsInt int = -1
declare @SuffixAsNVarchar
-- Make sure the length of the
new name does not exceds 123 and it does have enough space for the prefix
declare @OptionSetNameNewNoSuffix
nvarchar(123) = @SchemaNamePrefixLowerCase + SUBSTRING(@OptionSetNameOld, 1,
123 - LEN(@SchemaNamePrefixLowerCase))
@OptionSetNameNewNoSuffixLength int = LEN(@OptionSetNameNewNoSuffix)
declare @OptionSetNameNew
nvarchar(123) = @OptionSetNameNewNoSuffix
-- Make sure there is no
existing OptionSet that has this new name already.
-- If the name exists already
then append a numeric prefix to the new name until we get a unique new name
while (exists (select * from
OptionSetView where LOWER(@OptionSetNameNew collate Latin1_General_CI_AI) =
LOWER(Name collate Latin1_General_CI_AI)))
@SuffixAsInt = @SuffixAsInt + 1
@SuffixAsNVarchar = CAST(@SuffixAsInt as nvarchar(123))
-- Make sure
the length of the new name does not exceds 123 and it does have enough space
for the suffix
set @OptionSetNameNew =
SUBSTRING(@OptionSetNameNewNoSuffix, 1, 123 - LEN(@SuffixAsNVarchar)) +
-- Set the new name to the
update MetadataSchema.OptionSet
set Name = @OptionSetNameNew where OptionSetId = @OptionSetId
-- Move on to the next
OptionSet that must have its name changed
optionset_cursor INTO @OptionSetId, @OptionSetNameOld
CLOSE optionset_cursor
DEALLOCATE optionset_cursor
Here are some links related
to this.
Does the script have to be run on the source or destination server?
ReplyDeleteIt should be run on the CRM Database server.
ReplyDeleteDoes that answer your question?.
Thank you very much for this script.
ReplyDeleteWe already had rollup 6 installed on both environments.
We ran it first on our detination (QA environment) without resolution, then we ran it on the source (DEV Server).
Then the solution imported.
It is now too late to know whether it would have worked if we ran it only on the source system.
Good to hear it brought you a resolution. I hope you have backed up your databases before applying the patch.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the script...
ReplyDeleteHad to run it on both production and development environments to resolve the issue. Both were updated to Rollup 8.
ReplyDeleteHope you have backed up the database, just in case.